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- --- Referals ----------------
- MA - Main
- MA - SB1
- MA - SB2
- MA - MW1
- MA - MW2
- --- НВО ----------------
- ------------------------
- Unity3D - Epic Games DEV Portal
- ------------------------
- Unity3D - Microgames - FPS 2019
- Unity3D - Microgames - FPS 2019 with OC
- Unity3D - Microgames - FPS 2019 with OC2
- Unity3D - Microgames - FPS 2020 - webgl speed
- Unity3D - Microgames - FPS 2020 - webgl size
- Unity3D - Free Assets - SpeedTutor LISTS
- Unity3D - Legacy Particle Pack
- ------------------------
- Unity3D Games - GOT
- ------------------------
- PlayCanvas - First Project Test
- PlayCanvas - Second Project Test
- PlayCanvas - Second Project Test (min)
- ------------------------
- Godot - Starter Kit FPS
- Godot - Top Down Action RPG
- Godot - Third Person Shooter
- Godot - 3D Inverse Kinematics Demo
- Godot - Retro Magic - FPS Demo
- Godot - Waterways Demo
- Godot - WebRTC Signaling Example
- Godot - WebRTC Minimal Demo
- Godot - Assets, Tools and Kits by
- Godot - Tutorials and Courses by
- ------------------------
- BabylonJS - Space Pirates (Example/Demo)
- ------------------------
- PayPal - ME
- ------------------------
- YouTube - Скритата История
- YouTube - Скритата История
- YouTube - Съзнание
- YouTube - Consciousness
- YouTube - CHOKO
- Rumble - The People's Voice
- ------------------------
- FF - config
- FF - performance
- FF - memory
- FF - webrtc
- FF - telemetry
- FF - rights
- FF - buildconfig
- FF - crashes
- ------------------------
- Bees - Ted 5 Talks
- Bees - Ted Talks - 1. why bees are disappearing
- Bees - Ted Talks - 2. beauty of polliation
- Bees - Ted Talks - 3. a plea for bees
- Bees - Ted Talks - 4. every city needs healthy honey bees
- Bees - Ted Talks - 5. first 21 days of bee life
- Bees - Nova
- Bees - bTV
- Bees - Za Pchelite EU
- Bees - Book - "The Hive and The Honey Bee Longstroth"
- ------------------------
- Referal Link - Tesla
- Referal Link - Rumble
- Referal Link - PCloud - Invitation #1
- Referal Link - PCloud - Invitation #2
- Referal Link - NS1
- Referal Link - Kraken
- Referal Link - CoinBase
- ------------------------
- --- Bulgarian "LAW" ---------------------
- ACF - 8 Dwarfs - Part 1
- ACF - 8 Dwarfs - Part 2
- ACF - 8 Dwarfs - Part 3
- ACF - 8 Dwarfs - Part 4
- ACF - 8 Dwarfs - Qvor Zlatanov - Part 1
- ACF - 8 Dwarfs - Qvor Zlatanov - Part 2
- Ilia Zlatanov - Interview
- ------------------------
- "EU"
- "EU-Bank"
- "EU-Commission"
- "EU-Court"
- "EU-Court/Съд на ЕС - Архив 2024"
- .../ ЕК / Kовид-19 / блокиране на достъп до...
- "EU-Regions"
- "EU-Finances"
- "EU-Data-Protection"
- "EU-Data-Protection-Monitoring"
- "EU-Ombudsman"
- "EU-Parliament"
- "EU-Ombudsman"
- "E-Европейски Съюз: Действащи договори"
- ------------------------
- "E-Gov"
- "Берон - Български езикови ресурси онлайн"
- "E-GOV: Проверка за валидност на Годишен Технически Преглед"
- "E-... Министерство на правосъдието"
- "E-REG"
- "E-NOI"
- "E-NAP: Продажби"
- "E-NAP: Здравен Калкулатор"
- "E-NAP: Здравен Калкулатор (декларация 7)"
- "E-NAP: Справка за задълженията с възможност за извършване на плащания № 646"
- "E-CAD: Кадастър"
- ------------------------
- AMD - Events
- AMD - GpuOpen
- AMD Radeon Open Compute - Github Page
- AMD ROCm - Github
- AMD ROCm - Docker
- AMD ROCm - Docker TensorFlow
- AMD Partners - Scaleway
- AMD Partners - Packet
- ------------------------
- Online TV Stream - 🇧🇬 Eurocom
- Online TV Stream - 🇧🇬 Bulgare+ / BG+
- Online TV Stream - 🇧🇬 България 24 - YouTube LIVE embed
- Online TV Stream - 🇷🇺 Россия 24
- Online TV Stream - 🇷🇺 Россия 1
- Online TV Stream - 🇷🇺 Россия K
- Online TV Stream - 🇷🇺 Россия РТР
- Online TV Stream - 🇷🇺 1tv ;-)
- Online - 🇷🇺 Смотрим
- Online - 🇷🇺 Смотрим - Русия 1 / Planeta RTR
- Online - 🇷🇺 Смотрим - Русия 24
- Online - 🇷🇺 Смотрим - Москва 24
- Online - 🇷🇺 Смотрим - Запад 24
- Online - 🇷🇺 Смотрим - Сибир 24
- Online - 🇷🇺 Смотрим - Урал 24
- Online - 🇷🇺 Смотрим - Радио Русия
- Online - 🇷🇺 Смотрим - Радио Култура
- Online - 🇷🇺 Смотрим Архив (-1)
- Online - 🇶🇦 Quatar - Al Jazeera (Live)
- Online - RT
- Online - Canal Plus
- Online TV Stream - 🇧🇬 TV 1
- Online TV Stream - 🇧🇬? BG on AIR
- Online TV Stream - 🇧🇬? BG on AIR - direct stream
- Online TV Stream - 🇧🇬? Euro News Bulgaria
- Online TV Stream - 🇧🇬? Euro News Bulgaria - Youtube LIVE embed
- Online TV Stream - 🇧🇬? bTV Plus
- Online TV Stream - 🇧🇬 BSTV
- Online TV Stream - 🇧🇬 TVSTZ
- Online TV Stream - 🇧🇬 TVSTZ - direct stream
- Online TV Stream - 🇧🇬? Bloomberg TV Bulgaria
- Online TV Stream - Bloomberg TV
- Online TV Stream - 🇧🇬? Nova
- Online TV Stream - 🇧🇬? Nova News
- Ничия Земя - 🇧🇬
- Online TV Stream - 🇧🇬 БНТ1
- Online TV Stream - БНР - Мнения
- Online TV Stream - БНР - Хоризонт
- Online TV Stream - БНР - Хоризонт - Политически НЕкоректно
- Online TV Stream - 🇧🇬 БНТ1 - По света и у нас
- Online TV Stream - 🇧🇬 БНТ1 - Бразди
- Online TV Stream - 🇧🇬 БНТ1 - Референдум
- Online TV Stream - 🇧🇬 БНТ1 - Панорама
- Online TV Stream - 🇧🇬 БНТ1 - Говори сега
- Online TV Stream - 🇧🇬 БНТ1 - Още от деня
- Online TV Stream - 🇧🇬 БНТ1 - България от край до край
- Online TV Stream - 🇧🇬 БНТ1 - Българското село
- Online TV Stream - 🇧🇬 БНТ1 - Светът и ние
- Online TV Stream - 🇧🇬 БНТ1 - Денят започва с Георги Любенов
- Online TV Stream - 🇧🇬 БНТ2
- Online TV Stream - 🇧🇬 БНТ3
- Online TV Stream - 🇧🇬 БНТ4
- ------------------------
- Online Radio - 🇧🇬 BNR Horizont
- Online Radio - 🇧🇬? ZRock
- ------------------------
- Social Apps - Discord APP
- Social Apps - Slack APP
- Social Apps - Mozilla Chat
- ------------------------
- Maps - Open Street Map
- Maps - Digital Globe
- Maps - Google
- Maps - Here
- Maps - Bing
- Maps - Apple Maps
- Maps - Apple Maps over DuckDuckGo
- ------------------------
- Google - TensorFlow (docker)
- Google - Firebase Console
- Google - Developers Console
- Google - Progressive Web Apps
- Google - WebGL evolve to WebGPU
- Google - Angular
- Google - NodeJS Dev
- Microsoft - TypeScript
- Microsoft - TypeScript Intro Video
- ------------------------
- Interesting about Programming languages
- Apache - TVM
- Scratch - Kids programming
- Duolingo - learn languages
- Brilliant - learn anything
- Udemy - learn anything
- Skillshare - learn anything
- Zenva - learn anything
- ------------------------
- Unity3D Connect
- Unity3D Tutorials YouTube
- Unity3D - Brackeys - FPS Controller
- Unity3D - Brackeys - Make Your Characters Interactive
- Unity3D - Brackeys - Basics, Shader Graph
- Unity3D - Brackeys - Snow, Shader Graph
- Unity3D - Brackeys - Grass Sway, Shader Graph
- Unity3D - Brackeys - Hologram, Shader Graph
- Unity3D - Brackeys - Disolve, Shader Graph
- Unity3D - Brackeys - ECS
- Unity3D - Brackeys - Minimap
- Unity3D - Brackeys - SciFi Weapon
- Unity3D - Brackeys - Bow and Mace
- Unity3D - Brackeys - Axe and Shield
- Unity3D - Brackeys - Build and Export
- ------------------------
- Unity3D - Code Monkey - Master Visual Scripting
- Unity3D - Code Monkey - Defendar Game
- Unity3D - Code Monkey - Doom Like Game :-)
- ------------------------
- Unity3D - SpeedTutor
- Unity3D - free assets june 2020
- Unity3D - free assets july 2020
- Poliigon (Blender Guru) - good free-useful 3d assets
- ------------------------
- Mozilla - Sources
- Mozilla - IRL podcasts
- Mozilla - Performance
- Mozilla - Firefox
- Mozilla - Firefox Build
- Mozilla - Thunderbird
- Mozilla - Monitor (check if specific email is compromised, somewhere in between known data leaks, hacked sites etc.)
- Mozilla - Speach & Machine Learning
- Mozilla - Voice
- ------------------------
- Have i been pwned
- ------------------------
- Blender - The Next Leap: How A.I. will change the 3D industry - Andrew Price
- Blender - Facial motion capture tutorial (CGMatter)
- Blender - 2.8 Fundamentals
- Blender - Community
- ------------------------
- Poliigon - 3d
- AI - images upscale
- nAI - images upscale
- nAI - images upscale
- AI - Letsenhance image upscale and corrections
- AI - DeepStack Server
- AI - Kaggle
- ------------------------
- GitHub - AMD
- GitHub - Mozilla 🦊
- GitHub - Mozilla IoT 🦊
- GitHub - Unity Technologies
- GitHub - Brackeys
- GitHub - Khronos Group
- GitHub - AMD-OSX (MacOSs on AMD CPU)
- GitHub - Huawei LiteOS
- GitHub - Epic Games
- GitHub - Docker
- GitHub - WebRTC
- GitHub - PFSense
- GitHub - Ethereum
- GitHub - Ethereum - Web3JS
- GitHub - MySQL
- GitHub - Microsoft
- GitHub - Intel
- GitHub - Facebook
- GitHub - Berkeley Vision and Learning Center
- GitHub - Mixer
- GitHub - Google APIs
- GitHub - Native Script
- GitHub - Stream Labs
- GitHub - SQLiteStudio
- GitHub - FreeCAD
- GitHub - OwnCloud
- ------------------------
- Unity3D - SX-MMO, based on uMMORPG
- Unity3D - Vehicles
- Unity3D - Vikings
- Unity3D - AR (Vuforia)
- ------------------------
- Mozilla - IoT Framework
- Mozilla - WebGL
- WebRTC
- WebRTC Screen Sharing
- ------------------------
- CG Trader
- Art Station
- ------------------------
- Autodesk FormIt
- ------------------------
- Atom
- Electron
- React Native (Facebook)
- ------------------------
- jQuery-UI and Bootstrap
- BitBucket
- Trello
- ------------------------
- Videoder
- Converto
- ytmp3
- youtube video download (
- facebook video download (
- ------------------------
- YouTube - Python (Speach Recognition)
- YouTube - AssemblyAI (Channel)
- YouTube - Blender 3.2 Features
- Kinvey
- Google - SERVICES
- Google - ANALYTICS
- Google - ADWORDS
- Google - CALENDAR
- Google - DOC
- Google - XLS
- Google - SLIDES
- Google - FORM
- Google - KEEP (Notes/Rreminders)
- Google - VOICE
- Google - ALERTS
- ------------------------
- Google - App Engine
- Google - Octane
- ------------------------
- SITES - cc0textures
- SITES - poliigon
- SITES - textures
- ------------------------
- Nginx
- GitLab
- Gitter
- Gamasutra
- ------------------------
- Donations and Memberships - Ko-fi
- Donations and Memberships - Patreon
- Opencollective
- Subscribestar
- Liberapay
- ------------------------
- Sky Scanner
- Operation: History (BG on AIR)
- MagicLeap
- StatCounter
- Kaggle
- Ethereum - Blockchain App - using Ethereum Smart Contracts
- Ethereum - Solidity Programming Language - Ethereum Developer
- Ethereum - Tutorial - Todo List Blockchain App
- Ethereum - 2.0
- Ethereum - 2.0 - Phases
- Blockchain - Social
- ETH Exchanges - Kraken
- ETH Exchanges - CoinBase
- ETH Exchanges - Binance
- ETH Exchanges - Dether
- ETH Exchanges - Gemini
- ETH Exchanges - Local Ethereum
- ------------------------
- Libraries - Dear ImGUI (C++ GUI)
- Frameworks - Electron (cross platform desktop apps)
- ------------------------
- Wikis - wikichip
- Wikis - wikipedia
- ------------------------
- Cars EV
- Cars - Russia EV - ATOM
- Cars - Russia EV - ENEVA
- Batteries
- Benchmarks
- GTK (GIMP Tool Kit)
- BigJpg - AI Image Enlarger
- Charts - AMCharts
- Chats - JivoChat
- Chat Integrations - Tawk
- Icons - FlatIcon
- Web & 3D - Sketchfab
- Web & 3D - Marmoset
- W3 - GPU
- W3 - Validator
- Tools - Google Page speed insights
- Tools - WoW Addons
- ------------------------
- OS - Ubuntu
- OS - Debian
- OS - CentOS
- OS - Fedora
- OS - Manjaro
- OS - LinuxMint
- OS - Clear Linux
- OS - EndlessOS
- OS - RedHat Enterprise
- OS - OpenSUSE
- OS - CoreOS
- OS - NixOS
- OS - Mageia
- OS - ArchLinux
- OS - Slackware
- OS - PuppyLinux
- OS - Pop! OS
- OS - Light OS
- OS - Lite OS
- ------------------------
- Auto Motor and Sport - cars, performance, trends and comparisions
- ------------------------
- Activities - Microsoft Account
- ------------------------
- Whois - free domain lookup (recommended) -
- Whois - free domain lookup -
- Whois - free domain lookup -
- Whois - free domain lookup -
- Whois - free domain lookup -
- ------------------------
- Solar - sauletech
- Solar - luxor
- Solar - sunpower
- Solar - sharp
- Solar - panasonic
- ------------------------
- FlyWheel - wiki
- FlyWheel - OmnesEnergy
- ------------------------
- Design - Figma
- ------------------------
- E-BOOKS - gutenberg
- E-BOOKS - google play books
- E-BOOKS - openlibrary
- E-BOOKS - bookbub
- E-BOOKS - childrenslibrary
- E-BOOKS - feedbooks
- E-BOOKS - centslessbooks
- E-BOOKS - pdfbooksworld
- E-BOOKS - manybooks
- E-BOOKS - free-ebooks
- ------------------------
- Timezones - World Time Buddy
GPU computation
gpu computing with spark and python
National Geographic